Why are we passionate about our community?

The BCAG is excited to host our Spring Get Together event on April 13th, 2023.

This event will bring together individuals, organizations and business from across our community who are passionate about creating a future that supports all our growth and sustainability goals. 

As our board prepares to welcome our friends, associates and peers we reflected on some of the things that drive and inspire us about this community.

What is your favorite BCAG event memory?

“My favorite BCAG event memory was the launch event at Emily Carr in early 2020. There was so much excitement and ambition in the room. We had stakeholders and players from across the industry and I felt like I was part of something really important that was going to fuel collaboration and holistically elevate the cachet of our industry here in BC.” – Max Feldman

What is your favourite part of the BCAG community?

“What I like about the BCAG community is that it’s welcoming to people and businesses at all stages. Whether you’re new to the industry, a small business just starting out or you’re an established professional with 20+ years experience, the association is here to support you in your business growth and career. I always like meeting new people whenever I’m at one of their events.” – Glynis Tao

What have you seen evolve in the past few years that gets you excited about our path forward?

“The most exciting evolution within our industry in the past few years has been the amazingly altruistic development of Pre-Competitive Collaboration! Watching our local Educators group form and reach out to us at BCAG to work together and seeing Industry leaders come forward to share and collude for the future and betterment of our BC Industry is fantastic! I am excited to see our Association and Industry grow and work together for a Sustainable future.” – Paul King